
Charles Wright Mills Teori Theory

Charles Wright Mills Teori Theory Sociological theory according to Carlos Wright Mills is a modern sociological theory that is a sociological fantasy


Sociology is a science that has an object of study in the form of society and has a focus on discussion in the form of social life and social phenomena that occur around the community. Sociology is a science that has the following characteristics:

Cumulatively, the sociological theory that we know today is the result of the development of a previously existing sociological theory

Non-ethical in nature, a sociology of science is a science that seeks to reveal a fact about social phenomena that occur around the community

Empirical, a sociology of science is a science that starts from the results of a research or observation

Theoretically, a sociology of science is an abstract science that is compiled based on the results of empirical observations

 The nature and nature of a sociology, among others:

  1.  Sociology is a science
  2.  Sociology is a social science
  3.  Sociology is a science that can produce a new understanding
  4.  Sociology is a rational science
  5.  Sociology is a pure science
  6.  Sociology is an abstract science
  7.  Sociology is a categorical science


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